
Excuse His Beauty
{ peter }

East coast debonair meets west coast cool. Peter is a sensational writer and I couldn't be happier when he started his own blog, Excuse My Beauty, because it tickles me like no other rec reading can. I know I must be laughing loud when the dogs spring up from a dead sleep and look at me funny. I was commissioned by Peter to take some photos for a new header on his fabulous blog... expect part two soon!


Anonymous said...

It's hard to excuse Peter's beauty when it's so arrestingly awesome! Sigh. Is that his pooch?

Kelty said...

Mmm... more like we chased a woman down on the street and told her a web of lies to let her dog bathe Peter with his saliva. In a good way.

Anonymous said...

Oh my lordy, what a hot tamale!

Anonymous said...

he's cuuuute