
Fresh * Local * Sustainable ... It's Burgerville, Baby! // a year of portraits #2

You may remember Burgerville's new campaign with my portraits last month, and I'm happy to say that this month's posters are up! For those of you who aren't familiar with Burgerville, they're a Northwest icon, with 39 stores in Oregon and Washington. I've been eating their tasty food since I was a kid, but only recently begun to take notice of their innovative business practices and fresh, locally sourced menu selections. (Think walla walla onions, local berries, asparagus, and more!)

My job is to shoot portraits for their store posters, highlighting two heroes every month: a local foodie and a sustainable partner. Lucy is a local food stylist and Paul is a recycling and sustanability specialist. Both are amazingly talented, wonderful people, and as you can see from the posters, totally game for anything! Try Lucy's tasty inspired dish, the Crispy Onion and Spinach Turkey Burger while it's still available...


The Weaver House said...

They look amazing! I think I know where I'm headed for dinner tonight. Their locally grown strawberry shakes are out, too!

Anonymous said...

I Love Lucy :-)

Mmmmm, makes me wish I lived in Portland....

- Laura

Anonymous said...

The vegetables positively gleam. Fantastic job!

Marcus Legume/Omaha, Nebraska

Dani said...

I wish I lived in Oregon so I could see these for real! Love them...

Anonymous said...

That burger is mouthwatering-- how sweet you can be part of such a great company. They're lucky to have you, too!

Tara said...

I love how goofy all the portraits you've done for them have been. Not your typical headshot, that's for sure!

Flora said...

Who ever thought veggies on the head or standing in a trash could could work for publicity posters? Absolutely brilliant!