What a dream-come-true it was to participate in such a thrilling project with two of my favorite people on the planet. My heart is seriously just swelling with love for this couple. They're talented, well-traveled, witty, hilarious, and give the best hugs this side of the Mississippi. Oh yeah, and somehow manage to look just as gorgeous underwater as they do on land. Thanks to Jeff and Stacey's incredible vision for the photo shoot and project in general, we had a blast together and kicked their wedding adventures off to a sweet start.

Thank you, Green Wedding Shoes, for your lovely feature on this photo shoot and print job. Visit GWS for all kinds of delightful wedding ideas and general crafty inspiration!

this is amazing! really love this! congrats on the feature too.
I love these. The cards are really fantastic- it's cool to see the photos "in action" as part of a printed project.
Wow, Kelty these are amazing!
Love it! I love how kinda spookey and otherworldly they are, while still being uber romantic. But...that's not Stacey's wedding dress, right?!?!
BTW, hot legs on the bridge ;-)
WOW!!! These are amazing! I want to know all the details of this shoot. Fantastic!
Best engagment photos I have ever seen.... AMAZING!!
Magical and other-worldly in a romantic way. A total experience just looking at them!
jaw dropping... just jaw dropping! If you're not into Vogue by the end of this session I'll be shocked.
I knew all those swimming lessons would come in handy one day! So amazing, Kelty!
OH MY GAWSH!!!!! SO ROMANTICAL!!!!! (sigh) Your photographs are AWESOME!!!
Justin had to hold Kelty down underwater so that she wouldn't float to the top as she was snapping photos... and no, Laura, that's not Stacey's actual wedding dress. =) Pretty awesome though, isn't it?
You're a motherflippin' genius!!!!!
I love that it's called Taking the Plunge-- it really symbolizes the excitement, romance and sometimes even fear of jumping in!!
I mean. Kelty!
You. Are. Limitless.
These are extraordinary!
Ahhhhhh MAZING! Seriously fantastic.
Die Unterwasserfotographie ist fantastisch. Ich habe nie solches Talent gesehen! Die Frau sieht wie ein Engel aus, der vom Himmel gefallen ist. Einfach klasse!!!
Fantastical. You know no bounds with your creativity. Love your work. Can't imagine how fun this shoot was to do! =) Can't wait for the next installment.
all i can say is O-M-G! wow, wow, wow!
wow...you amaze me more and more with every post! is it weird that i feel really proud of you? simply amazing!
These images are AMAZING! What a great concept!
taking the plunge?! that is SO COOL!!!!!! :D love it times a gajillion and twelve!!
This is fanastic!
Unique and so amazing!! Love your work! That couple must be so excited for their awesome images! Congrats and I can't wait to see more!
Jimminy Crickets!! These photos are amazing. I just had this overwhelming sensation arise in me that one day I might hopefully get married so that you can take absolutely brilliant photos of me and a lover under water!!!
I would love to know how you did it... but I guess a magician never reveals their secrets and yes these photos are truly magical.
dang girl, these are perfect! you have such lucky clients :)
ridiculous! looks so fun. how did you protect your camera underwater?
I really can't believe this photo shoot...absolutely perfect, Kel!! I think this post is my favorite yet, and that's saying something! :-)
wow. these are so stunning. i'm a huge fan
Oh My Gosh..um WOW!
wow - awesome!!!
amazing post :)
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Amazing !!!
The coolest engagement session I've ever seen.
I borrowed some images to share over my blog and linked it back here so others can check this awesome job.
Love it !
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